Tunisia global march of freedom مسيرة تونس الحرية العالمية
ألأمة المقاومة هي الأمة المنتصرة في حرب الوجود.
الشهيد محمد البوعزيزي التونسي
ملاحظة:يرجى من كافة الأخوة والاخوات وكل من تصله الرسالة الى توزيعها لاوسع نطاق ممكن ليتسنى للجميع القيام بواجباته والتحضير ليوم تونس ومسيرتها العالمية
دعما لنضال الشعب التونسي في ثورته المباركة
مرحلة جديدة من النضال الشعبي العالمي
من اجل فقراء تونس الذين يشقون طريق الحرية
الحركة العالمية لمناهضة العولمة والهيمنة الاميركية والصهيونية
تدعو احرار العالم وشرفائه بكل هيئاته المدنية والاهلية والشعبية
الى المشاركة في مسيرة تونس الحرية العالمية
وذلك ايام الجمعة والسبت والاحد 21 و22 و23 من الجاري كانون الثاني 2011
المكان : الساحات والميادين العامة وامام السفارات التونسية
الزمان : بعد صلاة يوم الجمعة وطيلة ايام السبت والاحد
أعلن " فادي ماضي " رئيس الحركة العالمية لمناهضة العولمة والهيمنة الأمريكية والصهيونية ان شعوب العالم باسرها مدعوة للتضامن مع كفاح ونضال الشعب التونسي لتحقيق اهداف انتفاضته الشعبية السلمية للتخلص من نير العبودية والظلم والقهر والعدوان والديكتاتورية وانظمة المخابرات والولاء للأجنبي وسرقة مال وقوت الشعب ومقدراته ونهب ثرواته وجاءت دعوة ماضي بعد ما وصفه بالرد الخجول من النظام الرسمي الدولي بما فيه العربي والاسلامي والتعاطف الشعبي الورقي الذي لا يرقى الى تضحيات التونسيين ودماء الشهداء الذكية التي سالت على مذبح الحرية والانعتاق من ربقة الاستعمار السلطوي الذي كمم الافواه وزج بالاحرار في السجون بعد تعذيبهم ونفي الشرفاء الى خارج وطنهم لمجرد معارضتهن للنظام والتحكم بمصير العباد وتثبيت سلطة ودعائم النظام البوليسي القمعي والارتماء باحضان الصهيونية العالمية واذنابها وأشار ماضي إلى أن الدعوة التي يطلقها اليوم هي لإعلان التضامن مع الشعب التونسي ودعما لمطالبه العادلة في الحرية والعيش الكريم والديمقراطية
و أن الشعب التونسي بانتفاضته هذه إنما يؤكد على إرادة الشعوب العربية في بناء أنطمة حكم وطنية وديمقراطية، قادرة على حماية حقوقهم السياسية و الاجتماعية والاقتصادية، وإخراجهم من الظلم والإستبداد السياسي، وعدم عدالة توزيع الثروات القومية والوطنية على الطبقات المطحونة اجتماعيا واقتصاديا.
Support for the struggle of the Tunisian people in the blessed revolution
A new phase of the popular struggle World
For Tunisia's poor, who make their road to freedom
The global movement against globalization and American hegemony and Zionism
Calls are free to the world and all its organs Charfaih civil, civil and People
To participate in the march of freedom Tunisia World
And that on Friday, Saturday and Sunday 21 and 22 and 23 of the current January 2011
Location: the squares and public squares and in front of the embassies of Tunisia
Time: after prayers on Friday and throughout the day Saturday and Sunday
Announced "Fadi Madi," the President of the Global Movement against globalization and American hegemony and
Zionism that the peoples of the world the whole are invited to solidarity with the struggle and the struggle of the
Tunisian people to achieve the goals of their uprising peaceful popular to get rid of the yoke of slavery and injustice
and oppression and aggression, dictatorship and systems intelligence and loyalty to the foreign and the theft of
money and food for the people and control its destiny and plunder its wealth
The call came back after what he described to respond shy of the formal system of international, including Arab
and Islamic world and the popular sympathy paper that does not rise to the sacrifices of the Tunisians and the
blood of the martyrs smart shed on the altar of freedom and emancipation from the yoke of colonialism,
authoritarianism, which muzzled the mouths hauled Balahrar in prison after torture and denied honorable to outside
their home for just their opposition to the regime and the fate of slaves and install the power system and the
foundations of police repression and fall into the arms of the World Zionist lackeys
He pointed out that the past rallying cry today is to declare solidarity with the Tunisian people and in support of the
just demands of freedom and a decent living and democracy
And that the Tunisian people staged their uprising this underlines the will of the Arab peoples in building Systems
governance and national and democratic, able to protect their political, social, economic, and remove them from
injustice and tyranny, political, and the inequitable distribution of national wealth and national layered ground
socially and economically.
Support for the struggle of the Tunisian people in the blessed revolution A new phase of the popular struggle World For Tunisia's poor, who make their road to freedom The global movement against globalization and American hegemony and Zionism Calls are free to the world and all its organs Charfaih civil, civil and People To participate in the march of freedom Tunisia World And that on Friday, Saturday and Sunday 21 and 22 and 23 of the current January 2011 Location: the squares and public squares and in front of the embassies of Tunisia Time: after prayers on Friday and throughout the day Saturday and Sunday Announced "Fadi Madi," the President of the Global Movement against globalization and American hegemony and Zionism that the peoples of the world the whole are invited to solidarity with the struggle and the struggle of the Tunisian people to achieve the goals of their uprising peaceful popular to get rid of the yoke of slavery and injustice and oppression and aggression, dictatorship and systems intelligence and loyalty to the foreign and the theft of money and food for the people and control its destiny and plunder its wealth The call came back after what he described to respond shy of the formal system of international, including Arab and Islamic world and the popular sympathy paper that does not rise to the sacrifices of the Tunisians and the blood of the martyrs smart shed on the altar of freedom and emancipation from the yoke of colonialism, authoritarianism, which muzzled the mouths hauled Balahrar in prison after torture and denied honorable to outside their home for just their opposition to the regime and the fate of slaves and install the power system and the foundations of police repression and fall into the arms of the World Zionist lackeys He pointed out that the past rallying cry today is to declare solidarity with the Tunisian people and in support of the just demands of freedom and a decent living and democracy And that the Tunisian people staged their uprising this underlines the will of the Arab peoples in building Systems governance and national and democratic, able to protect their political, social, economic, and remove them from injustice and tyranny, political, and the inequitable distribution of national wealth and national layered ground socially and economically.